The Steps method

The Step-by-step method has been developed by Rob Brunia and Cor van Wijgerden to teach children how to play chess. It has been successfully adopted by many chess clubs and schools in the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, Austria, United Kingdom and outside Europe US, Australia, Hongkong and South Africa. Slowly but steadily the method is gaining popularity throughout the world.

The whole course consists of 6 manuals, specifically for chess teachers or trainers (the first steps are also suitable for parents), and 26 workbooks which can be used by the students themselves. Total 32 books. All of them have been translated in English.
Many books have been published in other languages: Dutch (32), German (32), French (31), Greek (19), Swedish (15), Georgian (13), Turkish (10), Azerbaijani (5), Czech (4), Spanish (6), Korean (2), Romanian (3) and Danish (1).

The links below (the steps, order, info) speak for themselves.
Almost every week under puzzle there are new positions coming from different steps (step 7 and 8 included) to be solved.
Trainers can download the answers of the latest edition of a given workbook.
You can get a brief idea of the content of a Manual or Workbook by downloading samples.
To get an indication of the level of a step solve 12 puzzles from a page from a workbook.